Sunday, December 28, 2014

The Daily Grind-Stripping Paint and Rust From Classic VW

VW Beetle is 3/4 stripped down to metal.
I've been spending a lot of time trying to get the paint off the car. I've tried a few tricks including sanding and chemical stripping. I've even tried getting someone to media blast it, but that also proved daunting. A side job like my Volkswagon is not a major money maker and therefore pretty tough to find commitment. So, that leaves me.

I spoke with a fellow tinkerer, albeit one with a lot of experience. He recommended an industrial grinder and wire brushes. So, that's what I've been working on. It's a lot of work and requires lots of endurance and strength. I've also had to develop a few techniques to both reduce fatigue and keep the work going along. The results are immediate and satisfaction guaranteed.

I've opted for a Chicago Electric angle grinder with wire brushes, both from Harbor Freight. Originally I could only grind for a half hour at a time, but now I can go for an hour or so. I wear safety goggles, gloves, hearing protection and a good respirator.

Happy grinding.

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