Friday, May 8, 2015

Painting Dad's Beetle

My dad invited me over to help him paint his beetle. I assisted with keeping the air hose out of the way and off the fresh paint and learned in the process. It's one thing to watch Youtube videos, but  quite another to see, smell, hear and feel the process.

  • See:
    • How the paint goes on-how much overlap, how to set the air/paint mix
    • How to mix the paint, thinner and hardener, and how often to do so
    • Paint spray linger in the air and vent out of the garage-It doesn't actually "get all over everything"
  • Smell the fumes and remember to seal the respirator better
  • Hear:
    • The air compressor
    • The gun spray
  • Feel:
    • The weight of the paint gun
    • The air hose
    • The heat and realize your limitations and strengths

Awesome job dad.

Thanks for letting me help. Now I can plan the logistics of painting my own car.

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